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"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer."

                                                                                     - Abraham Lincoln

Farm to Tap

Food21 created the Value Center in 2020. The Value Center focuses on developing local food value chains that increase the viability and impact of regional food systems. An effective food value chain produces measurable benefits for all participants in ways that reduce risk while increasing the certainty of success, resilience, and viability.


By focusing on gauging, creating, and quantifying consumer demand dynamics, the value chain is able to proactively meet the needs of consumers and market forces. In the process, costs are controlled, jobs are created, and all types of communities, especially those currently underserved, benefit from the collaboration the value chain creates.


The first project launched out of the Value Center is Farm to Tap. In less than 18 months, a fully functioning local food value chain was developed that grows, processes, and turns locally produced hops and malt into micro-brewed beer. By Summer of 2021, local micro-breweries were producing cold ones for an appreciative market and every stackholder in the value chain benefited!


Here's that remarkable story!



Thoroughbred on floor.jpg


Beer Factory Tours


Beer Tap



Food21 Farm To Tap Report
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